Over the course of facilitating our investigations, we have had several frequently asked questions about the events. Hopefully the below will help answer some of your questions, if not, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer the best we can.
Are there any age restrictions?
Our ghost hunts are open to anyone over the age of 16
Am I guaranteed to see a ghost?
Unfortunately experiencing the paranormal cannot be guaranteed. Ghosts or Spirits cannot be pre-booked !. However we do select our events carefully paying particular attention to the reported paranormal activity of each location. Using our expertise and equipment, we try to encourage paranormal activity to occur and we place you in areas that they know or are expected to be para normally active. Our events do not normally disappoint but nothing is ever guaranteed!
Are there beds on your overnight events?
There are no sleeping facilities unless otherwise stated. Our events normally involve being awake all night.
I have a physical disability can I still attend?
Unfortunately some of our event locations, particularly old buildings due to their age and very nature may not be fully accessible. If you need additional information regarding to the event‘s suitability please contact us (click here) prior to booking.
What can I expect from a ghost hunt night?
On the night, you become part of a paranormal investigation. If you come with an open mind and take the role of investigator seriously we are sure you will have a rewarding experience. The evening normally starts with a briefing about the location, its past history and, if known, the areas where paranormal activity has been reported. We will then offer a tour of the location to familiarise you as our investigations are normally conducted in absolute darkness. Any health & safety issues and considerations will be pointed out during the tour. We will then split into groups and, under the guidance of our experienced investigator / team leaders, will conduct our paranormal investigations and experiments. At the end of the evening we hold an event de-brief, which you will be most welcome to attend and share experiences.
What do I need to take with me?
Many of our events are held in locations where heating is limited, there may be missing windows and doors, the floors maybe uneven and of course it will be very dark. A torch is most essential but don't worry if you don't have one or have left it behind as we do have a few spare ones. Warm clothing is essential and wherever possible have a couple of layers, you can always take them off if you get warm. If attending an outside ghost hunt, bring some waterproofs - we all know how reliable the UK weather is. Sensible shoes or trainers that are comfortable are a must as many of our locations have uneven floors.
Should I bring any refreshments?
At all our events we supply free tea, coffee, biscuits or snacks. You are welcome to bring along your own refreshments if permitted by the venue but please note you will be attending an alcohol free event / night.
Can I bring my own Alcohol?
Southern Ghost Society operates a strict no alcohol or drugs use policy at all events. We reserve the right to ask members / guests under the influence to leave the event and no refund will be made.
Are your paranormal experiences staged?
We are often asked if we stage or create alleged paranormal activity on our events. The answer is simple a "NO". We are group of enthusiasts interested if finding for ourselves evidence and to experience paranormal activity. Our locations are carefully selected following research into past reported paranormal activity. To fake it would be of no benefit to the groups interest
Can I fake a ghost experiment or experience?
NO is the simple answer. In fact our Society's policy is that if any member or guest is discovered faking a paranormal experiment or paranormal experience, either as a joke or intentionally, we will immediately terminate your membership to the society. Our society investigates the paranormal and if there is no activity then there is no activity. We are not putting on a show and are not out to impress anyone.
If I get scared can I leave early?
Yes of course you are free to leave the event at anytime during the evening. The only thing we ask is that you advise an investigator or team leader that you have left the location. We hope you won't get scared. It is not our intention to scare people although from time to time that can be out of our control.
Can I smoke at the event?
Many of our events will be in buildings which are open to the public therefore the law concerning smoking in public building will apply. We will wherever possible arrange a smoking area somewhere at the location.
What if there are no ghosts?
Ghosts and paranormal activity cannot be ordered and therefore we cannot guarantee ghosts or paranormal activity at your event. In the event of no activity, unfortunately will not be able to refund your booking fee. See our terms and conditions for details. There are also costs associated directly with the arranging of our ghost hunt evening. and these costs have to be met even if we have a quiet night.
Is it dangerous to hunt ghosts?
As with any event or activity there is always a danger of things going wrong. However, we have not had any bad experiences or accidents. Prior to any event taking place we will conduct a risk assessment and mitigate against any risks, which may result in restricting access to certain areas. We do a minimum of 2 risk assessments - the first during daylight hours and the second in darkness. Our experienced investigators will advise you to stop the investigation if they feel things are not feeling right or control is being lost.
What are orbs?
''Orb' is the popular name given to circular anomalies occasionally appearing in photographs. Sceptics will state these orbs are caused by floating dust, moisture in the air and stray light from the flash bouncing off walls and objects. Believers will state Orbs are often thought to be the spirits of people, and appear as balls of light floating or moving in the picture. Some orbs are definitely spirit energy some are reflections. The problem arises as no one really knows what this energy is. If you have a photo of an orb, let us see it and we will examine the photograph in detail using our top of the range photo editing software.
Do you use the services of mediums at your events?
Unless advised we do not utilise the assistance of mediums on our ghost hunts and paranormal experience events. When we formed the society, we decided that as investigators, we would do it the hard way and rather than be guided towards paranormal activity by mediums. A decision was made that, we would concentrate on using the groups own feelings, senses and technical experience to locate the paranormal activity. Our mission is to discover and capture evidence of paranormal activity rather than be pre-advised of the presence of paranormal activity and commence our investigation. After all we are a ghost hunting organisation. This policy does not in any way, diminish or defer the valuable service mediums provide for paranormal investigations, it’s just our preference.